Dance Federations


The Nederlandse Algemene Danssport Bond (NADB) is, as the name already implies, the national dance federation. This federation has many members, including the best dancers from the Netherlands! If you have danced a couple of competitions, you might want to try the competitions of the NADB.

The NADB has several classes, just like the Daveno. The debutanten 4 is a special class for beginners who had less than 45 lessons. Attention: not all competitions of the NADB have a debutanten 4 class! For dancers who have had more than 45 lessons there are the classes debutanten 3 till debutanten 1. From debutanten 1 you can get promoted to the Adults. In ballroom you start in C-class in the Adults and in latin you start in B-class. For ballroom you can get promoted to B-, A- and S-class. For latin you can get promoted to A- and S-class.

The NADB has one dance per discipline which is a so called basic dance. The allowed figures for the basic dances can be found on the website from the NADB. Go to and click on the tab wedstrijden and then click on the tab reglementen where you will find the appendix basisdansen. Take a good look at this document and make sure you read it in time for your competition. If necessary, you can ask questions about steps or figures to your teacher or the competition coordinator. Just like the Daveno, the debutanten 1 has two basis dances, of which the slow foxtrot or samba are fixed basic dances. The Adults are also dancing a basic dance, with exception of the A- and S-class.

A competition day of the NADB starts around 9am when the competition hall is opened. In the morning there will be competitions for the debutanten in ballroom and latin. In the afternoon, and sometimes a part of the evening, there will be competitions for the Adults in ballroom and latin. The pace of a competition of the NADB is much higher than a competition of the Daveno. The competitions of the NADB are held throughout the country and therefore it will take you approximately between an hour and a half till two hours and a half to get to a competition.

WDC Dutch-AL

The World Dance Council Dutch Amateur League (WDC Dutch-AL, of shortly: WDC) is a recent national dance federation. This dance federation is getting more and more members, but there is still a great atmosphere during the competitions. Once a year, this federation organizes a competition open to all participants of the world. This means that the best dancers of the world compete in the Netherlands and you get the chance to see them on the dance floor!

The WDC knows a first round, just like the ETDS and NTDS. After this first round you will be separated into different poules. It depends on the number of participants how many poules there will be. With a low amount of participants, there is only an A-poule. With many participants there can be an A-poule up to D-poule, where the A-poule is for the best dancers. Thanks to the separation into different classes, the competitions of the WDC are suitable for all dancers. You will always dance against participants of your own level, which makes sure there is a fair competition.

Before you can dance your first round, you have to make a choice for a starting class. For dancers of the debutanten level this will be the pre-amateurs, for C- and B-class this will be the amateurs and for A- and S-class this will be the amateurs master class. Within these classes you will get divided into the separated poules.

A competition day of the WDC could turn out very differently. Make sure to check the time table of your competition on the website of the WDC. The competitions of the WDC are held throughout the country and because of that it sometimes takes a long drive. Twice a year there is a competition that is held in Assen, which is near Groningen.

Competition coordinator

At this moment, Idsert Timmer is the competition coordinator of the Blue Toes. He stays in contact with the dance federations, registers new dancers for competitions and keeps record of the results on the website and Facebook. Do you have any questions about competition dancing? Send an e-mail to

Registration for a competition


Would you like to compete in a competition for the first time? The Daveno and NADB will allow you to try out one competition for free. Send an e-mail to with the following information:

which competition you want to join name (first and last name) the name of your dance partner the age of the oldest one of you which discipline you want to dance (ballroom, latin or both) the class in which you want to compete (consult your teacher or the competition coordinator) If you did already try out a competition, you need to buy a starting license; a dance card. The license and card can be purchased on the website of the NADB. Go to and click on the tab lid worden. On this page you will find the registration form and information about the license and prices. The page and the form are Dutch only. As soon as you have a dance card and a login name plus password, you are able to register yourself for any competition at

ATTENTION: you have to register in time! Do you find yourself unexpectedly unable to compete in a competition? Please, always send an email to the secretariat of the Daveno or NADB to sign out.


For the WDC it is not necessary to register at the federation. All competing couples are automatically registered at the WDC. There is nog starting license or dance card for this federation. You always register for these competitions yourself. There is no login page, but you will find a registration form for a competition (not for the federation) on the website of the WDC:

ATTENTION: you have to register in time! Do you find yourself unexpectedly unable to compete in a competition? Please, always send an email to the secretariat of the WDC to sign out.


On this page you can find guidelines for preparing your outfit for a dance competition. You may (or even have to) change when you are finished with ballroom and start with the latin. However, you are not allowed to change during rounds of one discipline (for instance during latin). Do you have any questions after reading these guidelines or any doubts about a certain piece of clothing? Ask the competition coordinator for advice.


The following guidelines are for debutanten and pre-amateurs:

Ladies: swirly skirt with a neat top or dress, preferably over the knee, neat dancing shoes, groomed hair and appearance. Glitters, rhinestones and sequins are allowed. No tailored competition clothing. Gents: plain white or black shirt with long sleeves, a bow tie or tie, a vest or jacket, dark trousers, neat dancing shoes (no sneakers or sport shoes), groomed hair and appearance. No tailored competition clothing.

The following guidelines are for the Open Class, Adults, amateurs and amateurs master class:

Ladies: competition clothing is obligated, this is defined as tailored clothing, with a striking design, a lot of editing, multiple layers of fabric, glitters, rhinestones, sequins, etc. Gents: competition clothing is obligated, this is defined as a tailored dress suit with white bow tie and black dance shoes.


The following guidelines are for debutanten and pre-amateurs:

Ladies: swirly skirt with a neat top or dress, neat dancing shoes, groomed hair and appearance. Skirt length is at your discretion but make sure it is not 'obscene'. If necessary, where an underskirt or boxer under your dress or skirt. Glitters, rhinestones and sequins are allowed. No tailored competition clothing. Gents: plain white or black shirt (or the color of the dress of your lady), dark trousers or latin trousers, neat dancing shoes (no sneakers or sport shoes), groomed hair and appearance. No tailored competition clothing.

The following guidelines are for the Open Class, Adults, amateurs and amateurs master class:

Ladies: competition clothing is obligated, this is defined as tailored clothing, with a striking design, a lot of editing, the length of skirt may be shorter, glitters, rhinestones, sequins, etc. Gents: competition clothing is obligated, this is defined as a tailored latin outfit with latin trousers and black dance shoes.


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  • Musicie Workshop

    20:45 - Login to see the location

  • Colour Party

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  • Weekend away

    10:00 - Login to see the location

  • Medal Dancing

    18:30 - Login to see the location


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