AC (Activity committee)

AC pyjama party.jpeg

We are Eva, Mo, Nienke and Svenja, your activities committee! We have some amazing things planned for you to brighten your year. We hope to see you at one of our monthly dancing evenings. These are always with fun themes such as the Pyjama party dance evening (as you can see in our picture). Keep an eye out for the upcoming themes and make sure to dress up! But even if you’re a bit tired of dancing, look out for the popular annual pub quiz hosted in March and show off your general knowledge in a cozy bar with a few drinks. If you want to laugh and dance with people you don’t normally see in class - the Team Match is just right for you. A fun-filled event with professional judges and randomised teams so you can bond with other members of the Blue Toes during an exciting, adrenaline-packed evening. Hopefully we’ll be able to welcome you at all of these events - we’ve done our best to convert the excitement into text. ;)

See you soon, your AC

Contact information

You can email the AC: